Robin Panzer Art Studio 33
Hand Torn Paper Fine Art Pet Portraits
While all of my portraits are done completely in hand torn paper, people ask me do you paint them at all? The answer is; sometimes I tint the paper to achieve a very particular color if a paper isn't available to match a pet's particular color but I do that before I tear the paper and construct the portrait. When I create noses or eyes they are done from torn paper too even the nostrils and pupils are paper but I will use a bit of gel pen for eyelights and for speckles on noses.
Here one of my favorite noses that took some tinting. I tore out the nose shape and the nostril shapes then I tinted and speckled the light brown paper you see under the pens and inks with blacks and browns and grays until I have a perfect color match for her nose but the final element that got me to the finish line were the white and silver gel pen speckles to get that sparkly look her nose has. Often there are papers to match every element I create for my torn paper portraits but occasionally they take some tinting to get that perfect match.
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So hard to choose just one print, Robin!!!! My oh my. I will do my best. Coral
I'm gonna go with the cow I think. Coral
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