Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21 2011

4 X 4 Original Created For Humane Society Fundraiser -Prints Avail Etsy 

This morning I popped on Facebook, like I usually do with my Diet Coke in hand, only to see that once again they have changed their user interface.  I went on to read the usual myriad of comments, most yelling at Facebook for making changes.  So here is something to think about, Facebook proves to us over and over again that change is difficult for us, but to advance technologically and as a society we have to incorporate change, sometimes on a daily basis. We are comfortable when things stay the same but if we are willing to dig, learn, find the new way to do something we often will appreciate it. If we want our schools, our economy, our government to truly change and improve we have to embrace the changes and the difficulties that come with learning a new way to do something or we stagnate as a society. We can't make an informed decision until we fully understand and are able to use the "new." That's my soap box for today, and the post in a somewhat more abbreviated form that I posted on my FB page.

One Minute Writer
Prompt: Happily Ever After- Rewritten

Together as a society they began to embrace change and the difficulties that ensued while they learned a new way. Everything began to improve, their schools, their government and their economies and most of all their outlook on life. Together they found optimism and a bright, new future.


Heather said...

Love your boston terrier!!! Im still confused at FB! ha ha ha!

soulbrush said...

I have one of these and it is gorjuss!